With very little pressure below Bonneville Dam for sturgeon i have had the river to my self. The keeper fishery shut down the last Saturday of July and go figure that's when we start getting a few. The over size fishery still continues to produce up to 6 fish days when the bite is good. The last few weeks we have been targeting the flats 25-35 feet of water with very good action. There are plenty of fish in all size ranges to keep you on your toes all day. A special thanks to Ed and Drew for taking time out of there vacation to see what sturgeon fishing is all about. We decided to through squid all day on the light rods and ended up landing close to 20 fish. Drew landed a nice keeper in the 50 inch range and then put the icing on the cake with an acrobatic 105 incher. Ed being the wiser Dad let the youngster do all the hard work and took care of all the small guys. It was a great summer day and there will be more of them to follow. Thanks and see you on the water